فريق منزل الدولة
يرجى التعرف على فريق السناتور بيكا راوش الرائع. يعمل كل عضو في فريق مجلس الشيوخ التابع لمجلس الشيوخ على التشريعات والسياسات والخدمات التأسيسية بالإضافة إلى مجالات المسؤولية والتركيز الخاصة بهم.
يمكنك الوصول إلى أي عضو في الفريق عن طريق الاتصال بمكتب State House على الرقم (617) 722-1555 ، ومتابعة عملنا من خلال سلسلة "إزالة الغموض عن البيت الحكومي " وعلى وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي باستخدام # BeccaBunch .
I am seeking students who...
Are sophomores, juniors, or seniors from each town across my district
Will meet every other month with me and my team
Come from diverse racial, cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds
Have empathy and who want to improve the lives of their peers, especially those who may be more disadvantaged
Have strong civic passion to enact change in their community
What will you get out of this experience?
You will have the opportunity to communicate directly with your elected representative and advocate for change.
You will gain insight into the inner workings of government and the process by which ideas become law.
You will work with your cohort on long-term research and policy proposals to develop your teamwork, research, and writing skills.
You will connect with many like-minded students throughout the district interested in civic engagement.